We provide Asset & Reservoir Studies to Oil & Gas Field Operators and Investors with interests in Oil and Gas Assets.
Our team of Subsurface Consultants carry out sub-surface data interpretation, analyze results and propose optimized field development plan for the discovery of new oil and gas prospects and optimization of existing opportunities.
Our Asset and Reservoir Studies scope includes:
- Seismic Data Interpretation
- Mapping/Geological Modelling
- Formation Evaluation
- Volumetric Calculation
- Resource Classification
- Asset Valuation &Reserves Evaluation
- Reserves & Production Estimation
- Competent Person’s Report and
- Field Development Planning

Our Subsurface Team can work from our office or from within the Client’s organization, under Client supervision on short-term or long-term basis. We also provide in-house technical support resources and Softwares in support of the Subsurface work – as required.
Our Subsurface Team is comprised of the following:
- Subsurface Managers
- Geoscientists & Petrophysicists
- Seismic Acquisition &Processing QA/QC Geophysicist Experts
- Production Technologists/Supervisors and
- Technical Assistants and Data Managers
We also provide the following ancillary support disciplines, as required by the project:
- Petroleum Engineers & Reservoir Engineers
- Drilling and Completions Engineers/Supervisors and
- Well-Test Supervisors & Engineers